vineri, 17 ianuarie 2025
OFMConv Romania

Publishing conditions

Publishing conditions

  1. Goal and purpose

Studii Franciscane is the journal of Theological science and Franciscan studies of the Franciscan Theological Institute in Roman and focusses on the theological dialogue and debate. The Journal opens its pages to authors from different countries. Its purpose is also to promote the experience exchange between the Romanian scholars and with those abroad.

  1. General requirements

The article must correspond to the editorial objectives and purposes.

The article must be original, representing the exclusive work of the author.

The article has not been published before and has not been sent for evaluation to another journal.

The article can be submitted in Romanian or Italian, English, French, Spanish, German.

Ideas and passages in the manuscript that do not belong to the author must be assigned appropriately, trough bibliographic references and the use of quatation marks.

In case of breach of copyright low/ in case of plagiarism, the entire responsability rests with the author of the article.

The author is responsible for obtaining written permission to include any documents/texts/images for which he doesn’t hold copyright. The author may not reproduce materials from unauthorized sources.

The author has the obligation to send together with the article an Assumption of Liability Declaration.

  1. Article form requirements

1.Title of the article

The titel is written in capital letters, Times New Roman 13, bold, centered.

2. Author

First and last name of the author should be written Times New Roman 11 on the right, double-space under the title, being preceded by academic rank, scientific title and ecclesiatical hierarchy (if it is the case). The family name will be written in lowercase capital letters. The name will be folowed by the indication of the institutional affiliation/affiliations (if it is the case), written in Times New Roman 11.

3. Abstract

The abstract have to provide an overview of the article and it will be written in English or another language of international circulation, with Times New Roman 12, justify, two lines under the author’s name.

4. Keywords

At least 5 keywords that comprise the essence of the article have to be mantioned, in English or another language of international circulation, at two line sunder the abstract, with Times New Roman 11, justify.

5. Paper Body

The text of the article might be in Romanian or Italian, English, French, Spanish, German. The text will be written in Times New Roman 12, justify, single line spacing. The article will be diveded into sections, each with a heading. The introductory section will include identifying the problem investigated, novelty compared to existing doctrinal approches, research structure. The article will then include sections related to the research and discussion of the analyzed topic. At the end of the article shall be inserted a section of conclusion with research results and ways to exploitation of the results.

6. Footnotes

The footnotes should use Times New Roman 10, justify, single line spacing. The footnotes will continue on the following pages and won’t start with no. 1 on each page. The citations will be made according to Norms regarding the use of the critical apparatus in Studii Franciscane or The Chicago Manual of Style.

7. Bibliography

A bibliographic list of the works used may be inserted at the end of the article. The list must include all doctrinal sources (books, articles) found in the footnotes throughout the article. The bibliographic list cannot include other doctrinal sources than those used in the article and found in the footnotes. The indication of the works in the bibliographic list will be done according to The Chicago Manual of Style.

8. Page layout

The paper has to be written using A4 format, portrait (margins: top/botton/left/right 2 cm). The pages will be numbered with Arabic numbers continuously, from first to last page.

  1. Ethics and malpractice statement for Studii Franciscane Journal

The rights and responsabilities of authors are presented in Ethics and malpractice Statement for Studii Franciscane Journal

  1. Mailing address

The articles accompanied by the Assumption of Liability Declaration  completed by each author will be sent in electronic format to: studiifranciscane@gmail.com